A Good Deed for Christmas!

A Good Deed for Christmas!

While Christmas is a time for joy for most of us, for others it is a time of stress or loneliness as Christmas reminds them that they are in a troubled situation. You might have already started buying your Christmas gifts, so why not add a donation to a charity to your shopping list? Our class (4C) is going to help you make your choice!

Human rights are very important. Even criminals need to be treated like ordinary human beings.

Amnesty International is known for protecting men and women from the law because the law, especially in poor or corrupt countries, doesn’t always protect you. You should not be treated with violence and in many cases, people don’t deserve the bad treatment they get.

This charity has been raising money over the last years by selling candles, which is a good idea. Wax is cheap and the only thing more you need is an easy, simple, beautiful design. And Amnesty International always comes up with those candles at Christmas time, which is brilliant. It’s the time of the year when people are very generous and waste their money on a lot of useless stuff, so why not spend it on a candle? It’s also a nice symbol of how you may illuminate the dark days of another person by buying those candles.

And finally, we are all concerned. We all have rights and could lose them at any moment. And since we’re all lucky to have quite a good life here in Luxembourg, we should care more about other people in need.

(Christopher Zoller)

In my opinion, it is very useful to raise money for Amnesty International. They help prisoners all over the world to defend their rights.

Many prisoners are victims of violence. For example, in the United States, there are cruel conditions in these buildings like very small cells, malnutrition and even torture. The dignity of men is unimpeachable. Many prisons all over the world don’t respect this famous principle.

Moreover, this charity provides aid to people who were sentenced without having a fair trial. They invite people to write letters to the authorities to convince them to change the situation of those unlucky prisoners.

Everybody is concerned by human rights. Amnesty International has developed an easy and cheap way to raise money. To support them, you can buy a candle whose light is a symbol of the prisoners’ hope. It is also possible to make a donation.

(Felix Fusenig)

Don't you think that it is important to help people who can’t help themselves?

So, start raising money for Lifeline Project, a charity which works with individuals, families and communities to prevent and react to maltreatment, to promote recovery and to challenge the inequalities connected to alcohol and drug abuse.

This charity, which was founded in 1971 and is now supported by 250 volunteers, believes in real and constant change for its target group. Everyone can make mistakes and get lost in their problems. So the project's goal is to improve lives and to help people to find a new job and to live again.

Moreover, they care about defending their honor. They are honest and realistic regarding the multiple issues that are related to alcohol and drug misuse so they can really help people and understand their problems. We as normal citizens can't change anything and can't help those people in need, but we can give our money to Lifeline Project, in order to take a small but supportive action.

Last but not least, this special charity needs your donation to help people get over their alcohol or drug addiction. This charity can offer the help they deserve. When in trouble, it's important to be aware that somewhere, someone believes in you and understands you, even if you have already given up yourself. This charity is for people who don’t have the power and self-discipline to get out of a tricky situation.

If you believe in second chances, have a heart and make a donation. People help people.

(Kelly Simon)

Today, one third of the world´s population lacks access to indispensable medicine. In the poorest parts of Africa and Asia, this figure even reaches half of the population. Too often, Doctors without Borders cannot treat patients because medicine is too expensive. So I think it´s important to donate money to Doctors without Borders.

This charity needs money to hire people to administrate the whole organization, to rent practices and to pay the doctors and nurses. More importantly, the field staff teams need expensive medicine, or equipment to do surgery and without donations the charity could not have the possibility to buy these things.

A second reason is that you will save lives. Doctors without Borders provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, natural disasters, epidemics, or armed conflicts.

Last but not least, this organization gives hope to people. People and children in conflicts areas get the medical treatment they need, and so they can start a new life without having to worry about their health.

For me a charity which is worth raising money for, is Doctors without Borders. Of course all charities are important and do a great job, but I think that one of the most important things in life is health. When you are sick and you don't have any possibilities to be healed, it doesn't matter whether you have a house or clothes when you know you are going to die in one month’s time.

This charity helps people all over the world thanks to devoted volunteers. With the money donated by people, they can buy medicine or pay for an operation. I really admire the people who work for this charity because they could also work in a hospital or practice and earn money, but they travel to foreign countries to help people there.

(Laurie Henkes)

I chose the charity called North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA), associated with the charity called PATH. It raises money to promote therapeutic riding. Unlike traditional forms of therapy, therapeutic horseback riding benefits participants physically, psychologically and emotionally. Therapeutic riding is used as a form of therapy for individuals with many different types of disabilities. It`s used to treat physical conditions, emotional conditions and cognitive conditions.

The charity raises money to buy horses with the appropriate character to become a therapeutic riding horse and for the education of a real therapeutic riding horse. Not only does the charity buy horses but also special equipment and the training of the staff.

I think I feel concerned by this charity because when I was a child, I had a friend who lost her parents in a car crash and she first started a therapy with a psychologist and after one year she did therapeutic horseback riding. After 6 months she started to trust the horse and she started to talk about everything only thanks to the horse.

I think that therapeutic horseback riding can help people who need help and I think it`s a good thing to raise money for this charity.

(Isabelle Schickes)

I think that the charity called UNICEF is worth raising money for. Why do I think so? Because UNICEF raises money for poor children and helps those in need so they don’t have to work as a child, for instance. They also sell food for a fair price. UNICEF also provides help in conflict areas. I think that every child should have a chance to live in fair conditions, so they can get a well-paid-job when they’re adults and don’t have to live with less than two euros per day. There are more charities which are worth raising money for, but I would first raise money for UNICEF.

(Keanu Bof)

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